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 Clean Slate city Naming

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6 posters

Number of posts : 482
Registration date : 2008-05-05

Clean Slate city Naming Empty
PostSubject: Clean Slate city Naming   Clean Slate city Naming Icon_minitime08.08.08 10:32

I think it's about time to a name to this city, if only to stop using the cSCS acronym.
To start the ball rolling, may I suggest:
Neopolis, literally meaning new city state.
Solon, named after the father of athenian democracy.
Poseidon, a patron god of athens and a sinister mega corp in ghost in the shell.
But how about some new ones, any ideas?
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Number of posts : 450
Registration date : 2007-12-18

Clean Slate city Naming Empty
PostSubject: Re: Clean Slate city Naming   Clean Slate city Naming Icon_minitime10.08.08 15:56

well, I kind of like the CSCS acronym.

Mike has previously proposed 'Esperance', meaning hope.

I think we should just pick a pretty sounding name and be done with it.

Besides, greek gods is pretty cliched by now, don't you think?

How about Postlithia, 'beyond stone', sim. to palaeolithic, and neolithic, saying that our systems are beyond those based in the stone age. same direction as lkm, but somewhat different, maybe sounds better?

Any other suggestions?
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Number of posts : 450
Registration date : 2007-12-18

Clean Slate city Naming Empty
PostSubject: Re: Clean Slate city Naming   Clean Slate city Naming Icon_minitime17.08.08 9:15

So I guess Dem. Anarchy and locksley, if you could make your suggestions, then lkm could put them in a poll. (no voting for yourself)
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Number of posts : 255
Registration date : 2008-07-16

Clean Slate city Naming Empty
PostSubject: Re: Clean Slate city Naming   Clean Slate city Naming Icon_minitime17.08.08 19:51

One thing that I think needs to receive more attention when naming a city is what the people of our city-state will be called.

What do you call someone from Esperance?

Might I suggest consideration of the following names (spelling can be modified):

Ignis/Ignopolis - Beacon
Audentia - Courage
Aequitas - Fairness, justice, also similar to the name Aquitaine for the region in France. Also resembles the Latin name for eagle, Aquila.

Sorry for the delay in replying, I've been gone for a week or so.
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Number of posts : 229
Registration date : 2006-12-22

Clean Slate city Naming Empty
PostSubject: Re: Clean Slate city Naming   Clean Slate city Naming Icon_minitime18.08.08 0:25

I always had "Esperian" or "Esperan" in my mind ;-)
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Number of posts : 398
Age : 30
Registration date : 2008-02-19

Clean Slate city Naming Empty
PostSubject: Re: Clean Slate city Naming   Clean Slate city Naming Icon_minitime18.08.08 7:12

Or 'Esperanian'.

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Number of posts : 482
Registration date : 2008-05-05

Clean Slate city Naming Empty
PostSubject: Re: Clean Slate city Naming   Clean Slate city Naming Icon_minitime18.08.08 14:24

I think I was being a bit trivial and limited in my thinking when I started this thread. When you think about it the name of a clean slate city is vastly important, it is one of the few things about the modern city that is all but unchangeable and thus a clear oportunity to show what cs thinking can do.
It is the brand name under which the whole concept will fly, it should convey a sense of identity, a purpose and meaning, something that can be believed in. It should be a strong and confident name, that has a natural sound to it.
Most existing successful cities have names handed down by chance of happenstance, a cs name should come from thought and reflection.
Finally it seems to me that the most successful cities have only two strong sylables. Or is that just me?
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Number of posts : 450
Registration date : 2007-12-18

Clean Slate city Naming Empty
PostSubject: Re: Clean Slate city Naming   Clean Slate city Naming Icon_minitime18.08.08 17:00

Well, Tokyo, Los Angeles, and Miami differ, but you're basically correct. I think, at least in this, we should follow the trends/

I guess it's because more than 2 is a mouthful, but one isn't expressive enough.

that leaves:

Solon (lkm)


Ignis (locksley)

I suggest Cresset. (it is an old word for beacon, but isn't associated with Fire to the extent that Ignis is.) there would be Cressetans, or you would be Cressetan.
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Number of posts : 482
Registration date : 2008-05-05

Clean Slate city Naming Empty
PostSubject: Re: Clean Slate city Naming   Clean Slate city Naming Icon_minitime23.08.08 5:06

bit close to creten, maybe.
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Number of posts : 398
Age : 30
Registration date : 2008-02-19

Clean Slate city Naming Empty
PostSubject: Re: Clean Slate city Naming   Clean Slate city Naming Icon_minitime23.08.08 10:39

Tokyo's two syllables: Tok-Yo.
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Number of posts : 450
Registration date : 2007-12-18

Clean Slate city Naming Empty
PostSubject: Re: Clean Slate city Naming   Clean Slate city Naming Icon_minitime30.08.08 11:47

Oops... Blame my american accent... Smile
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Number of posts : 255
Registration date : 2008-07-16

Clean Slate city Naming Empty
PostSubject: Re: Clean Slate city Naming   Clean Slate city Naming Icon_minitime04.09.08 20:37

The main problem I have with the name Esperance is that by default I think people would assume we spoke Esperanto. As fun as that sounds, the language of science, business, and a huge percentage of the world, is English.
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Number of posts : 331
Registration date : 2008-09-11

Clean Slate city Naming Empty
PostSubject: Re: Clean Slate city Naming   Clean Slate city Naming Icon_minitime11.09.08 23:02

Locksley wrote:
The main problem I have with the name Esperance is that by default I think people would assume we spoke Esperanto. As fun as that sounds, the language of science, business, and a huge percentage of the world, is English.

You've got a good point here. Just look at all the problems the heterosexual women from Lesbos have? LOL! Sorry, couldn't resist!
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PostSubject: Re: Clean Slate city Naming   Clean Slate city Naming Icon_minitime

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